Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Supriseee!! Supriseee!! Konspirasi MAGGI KETAM

Birthday party suprise... is something that i really love to involve with..hehehe.. best kot tengok muka orang yang celebrate birthday tu mcm terpinga japp..... and .. the best part is when she or he has nooooo cluee at all about it.. kuang kuang kuang..

when it is about me to be suprised?? heheheh... hello tak yah suprise kan saye.. i'm a birthday party planner.. mesti boleh hidu punya.... that is what i always proud of untilll.... two days ago.. kuang kuang kuang... Yap .. i just celebrating my birthday on 3rd Feb.. and..here the suprise come by my incik Suami and the gang...  i should called it


ok.. hari ni 3rd Feb 2013.. hehehe. kebetulan pulak malam birthday ni ada post-mortem Festival Kolej (FESKO) yang bermula pukul 11.30 mlm.. so as pegawai yang bertugas on that day, i need to be there to monitor that post-morterm.. and of course, 12.05 mlm..i'm still there in that meeting with Majlis Tertinggi Kolej (MTK) and all the secretariat.. Tetiba android bunyik  and here it start.. " H.A.P.P.Y birthday Sayang"- for sure. u know lah can .. from my beloved incik suami... than.. android bunyik lagi..  Happy birthday madam- yie alias..(ok, normal lah.. budak ni confirm tak tido main fb), android bunyi lagi.. happy birthday puan mas.. wishing u all the best- no name..(oh mesti ex student sem lepas ni, eh ingat dia birthday i).. dah start pelik sikit.. android bunyi lagggiiii.. tak berapa nak fokus meeting dah ni.. hehe.. HAppy birthday madam mas ayu diana- Azarudin. oh ok, TQ.. err  so sorry tak ingat kalau ada ex student i name ni.. ish.. mcm mana dia boleh ingat birthday i  nih.. errr... android bunyikkkk lagiii dan laggiiiii..  dan lagiii. .. dari mcm -mcm nama.. ada tu yg just tulis - student uitm, budak uitm, budak kolej TDM,  bilik 503.. oh ok.. ok.. TQ sooo muchhhh all.. terharu sikit (byk sebenarnya)... diorang sanggup sms tu... mesti dari facebook ni .. diorang tengok birthdate .. phone number? dari student kolej TDM kot.. hehhe anyway..
 tq all :)

ok..lepas diorang meeting and i pun dah bagi comment sikit2.. meeting post mortem pun nak ditutup lah.. TETIBA... NYDP II Shafikah announced.. " sebelum kita tutup meeting kita ni.. apa kata kita sama-sama nyanyi utk wish birthday Puan Mas"  gulppp... and the song start,, tapi bukan Happy Birthday to you..no no no..  tapi.. lagu "ALLAH Selamatkan Kamu" :)) ,, err my reaction masa diorang nyanyi tuh.. oh... u make me blush... (malu rasa nak nyorok jer bawah carpet).. heheh btw.. thanks u all.. then lepas habis tu... hampir semua i guest (gurrlss jer laa).. datang salam wish birthday.. tq... hmm masa tu baru pukul 12.40am kot..

oh ok.. mesti u all tertanya.. mana konspirasi maggi ketam nyerr.. hehehehehe.. tunggguuu.... nak tido dah esok ada kursus ni kat Kampus Kota...  kita sambung nanti dehh..

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